
September Safety Meeting Topic – Reporting Employee Accidents

The Monthly Safety Meeting topic for September is Reporting Employee Accidents.  For FCSIG members, we have attached Tristar’s First Notice Reporting poster.  It’s important that all employees call the Nurse Triage Hotline to report all work-related injuries and illnesses.  For non-FCSIG members, please review your district’s employee accident reporting procedures with all staff.

RFP – JPA/Pool Administration Services

Fresno County Self-Insurance Group and Organization of Self-Insured Schools, are seeking proposals from qualified consultant firms to conduct the day-to-day management, operation, general administration, and financial affairs of the Authority (as used herein, shall mean the Fresno County Self-Insurance Group and/or Organization of Self-Insured Schools, joint power entities) and its programs of insurance, self-insurance and to provide oversight of all other contracted operations of the Authority. Interested firms may submit a proposal for either JPA/Pool individually or both. Successful firm(s) contract(s) shall become effective July 1, 2018. However, it is desired the successful firm(s) will begin transition prior to that date to be prepared to fully provide a scope of services effective July 1, 2018.

Congratulations to FCSIG for being awarded Accreditation with Excellence

Congratulations to FCSIG for being awarded Accreditation with Excellence from California Association of Joint Powers Authorities (CAJPA). In the photo, President, Eric Cederquist (left) accepting the FCSIG Certificate of Accreditation with Excellence from Mike Fleming, chairman of the CAJPA accreditation committee.

[Hot Topic] 2015 Healthy School Act Changes

On September 29, 2014, Governor Brown signed into law Senate Bill 1405. This bill makes amendments to the Healthy Schools Act (HSA) which went into effect on January 1, 2015. Under the new law, school sites (licensed child care centers and public K-12 schools) must develop an Integrated Pest Management Plan or use the integrated pest management (IPM) plan template provided by the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to develop an IPM plan for their school site or school district. This IPM plan must be posted on the district’s or school site’s Web site and/or sent out to all parents, guardians, and staff with the annual pesticide notice.